
NDC has been Useful Since Rejoining IPAC- Jean Mensah

The Chairperson of the Electoral Commission of Ghana, Jean Mensah says the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) is a formidable force that has strengthened the Inter-Party Advisory Committee (IPAC) since rejoining earlier this year.

The country’s biggest opposition party withdrew from the body in March 2021 over concerns about the 2020 general elections.

They officially announced their return earlier this year and have since participated in all IPAC meetings.

In media engagement, the EC boss admitted the party has been of enormous importance to the Committee providing “constructive” and “valuable” contributions.

“It’s of great benefit to all of us that they’ve returned to IPAC. The discussions have been going on very well. They’ve been very constructive. There’s been very valuable feedback that has come from the NDC as well as some of the other parties and we’ve taken those on and input them and we are working to implement them in our processes,” she said in an interview with JoyNews.

She said some of their feedback were considered and implemented in the recently ended registration exercise.

She intends to continue on this tangent with the party and all other political parties.

“They have brought on board very useful feedback that has gone a long way to strengthen aspects of our work. We believe that even as we go up in the lead-up to the election, we will discuss issues of importance to our country and the election. We will continue to receive useful feedback that we will use and implement in our work.”

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