
NDC Conference: ₵10K Bounty Placed On Heads Of 16

Sixteen people have been declared wanted by the police service for the violent clash that ensued during the Conference of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) over the weekend.

The service says an amount of ₵10,000 has been set aside for any member of the public that can give lead to their arrest.

During the Women and Youth Conference at the University of Cape Coast in the Central Region on December 10, a violent clash ensued between two factions which resulted in the injury of three and damage of properties.

The police explained, “while proceedings were ongoing at the Congress two rival groups violently clashed throwing stones, blocks, sticks, clubs, chairs among others, causing injury to three persons and destruction to property.”

According to the police, the flagged persons were identified during a review of Police-specific video footage of the event.

“A Ghc10,000.00 reward has been set aside for any member of the public who can provide credible information to the police that can lead to the arrest of any of the suspects”, the police added.

The images of the sixteen have been published by the Service on Facebook.

The service also indicated that efforts are underway to identify the rest of the perpetrators.



Source: opemsuo.com/Hajara Fuseini

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