General News

MTTD lists Deadly Roads In A/R


The Motor Transport and Traffic Department (MTTD) of the Ghana Police Service (GPS) has named some major roads as well as minor roads in the Ashanti Region which are prone to accidents.
“Kumasi to Konongo, Kumasi to Bekwai, Abrepo Junction stretch, Sofoline to Abuakwa stretch among others in the Kumasi Metropolis recently have recorded preventable accidents”, Ashanti Regional MTTD Commander, Supt. Emmanuel Adu Boahen revealed on Opemsuo FM morning show.
According to the Police Chief, while some of the accidents on our roads are preventable, others are not, due to the deteriorating nature of the roads and that has contributed to many of the carnage to a point that lives are lost eventually.
“When the roads are bad, it is a problem. On the other hand, the drivers will drive carelessly because the road is good” Supt. Emmanuel Adu Boahen pointed out to host, George Opoku Mensah Agudey during a face-to-face interview on “Nkwantananso” show.
The Ashanti Regional MTTD Commander also revealed that reported cases of road carnage in the region has reduced comparatively to records of previous years.
“The figures have come down but that is not enough so we are appealing to motorists to respect road and traffic regulations”, Supt. Emmanuel Adu Boahen appealed assuring his outfit will continue to engage stakeholders to curb preventable road mishaps killing innocent Ghanaians.
Source: News Desk

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