Hearts to Temporarily Relocate Training Grounds

Hearts of Oak Sporting Club will relocate their training grounds and camping site this week to Asutsuare, the club announced in a statement on Wednesday, August 14, 2024.
This forms part of their pre-season activity for the 2024/2025 premier league season.
At Asutsuare, where they will spend seven days, the players will be given an atmosphere to bond with each other and prepare for some friendlies in Lome, Togo.
“On Thursday, the team will shift camp from its Kpobiman base to Asutsuare, where they will spend a period of one week. Whilst at Asutsuare, the players would undergo team bonding and other training regimes to prepare them for the challenges ahead.”
“After completing their training at Asutuare, Coach Ouattara and the squad will head to lome, Togo. There, they wiIl engage in friendly matches to fine-tune their skills and teamwork,” the statement communicated.
Hearts will begin their season opener against newly promoted side Baseke Holy Stars on September 7, 2024.
They intend to change the narrative to a favourable one after their abysmal output last season that almost saw them exit the league.