General News

Mind Your Words- President

President Nana Addo Danquah Akufo-Addo has called on Ghanaians to mind their words in enjoying freedom of expression.
The president maintained that his governance is undoubtedly filled with freedom of speech.
Speaking at the National Mosque Complex during the Eid celebration, the president noted that words can set the country ablaze.
“Let me state that I am a firm supporter of free speech, the government I lead is also a firm supporter of free speech and preevidenced by the atmosphere of free speech prevailing in the country.”
“However we must all bear in mind, words can be as incendiary as gas. The Bible tells us that ‘death and life are in the power of the tongue’. All it took was the muttering of words of some irresponsible journalists and amplified by the power of radio ignite the tragic genocide in Rwanda.”
“It is important for all of us to recognize that there is only one country we call home and that is Ghana”, the President said.
The president urged Ghanaians to hold on to the peace enjoyed in the country over reports of misguided persons.
“We must protect our way of life with the word of the national pledge, ‘with all our strength and with all our heart. We shouldn’t allow the actions and utterances of a few misguided persons jeopardize and destroy the United Ghana we currently possess which is the envy of many in the continent and in the world”, the President emphasized.
Source: Fuseini

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