A/R: UPNMG Holds Its Maiden Forum

The Ashanti Regional chapter of the Union of Professional Nurses and Midwives Ghana (UPNMG) has held its maiden forum last Saturday June 11, 2022, at the CLOGSAG hall, Adum, to interact with the executives and to expose the association to Nurses and Midwives in the area.
The Regional President, Mr. Agyemang Prempeh, speaking at the forum assured the participants that the UPNMG has come to stay and he advised them to disregard any irresponsible statements from some Nurses and Midwives in an attempt to run down the group.
“In the early days of UPNMG, you will all recall that UPNMG was branded with all sorts of names such as Ponzi scheme, scam, illegal, faceless associations and a host of others just to deter Nurses and Midwives from joining UPNMG. Today these same people have come back to address UPNMG as a registered labour Union”, he emphasized.
He further added the UPNMG has come at the time Nurses and Midwives have apparently lost trust and confidence in the leadership of GRNMA and that this is characterized by the overwhelming enthusiasm with which nurses and midwives are joining the UPNMG.
According to Mr. Agyemang Prempeh, “the UPNMG Mutual Fund Loans, the Hire Purchase/Credit Mall and Free Life Insurance for subscribers are the first-ever policies to be enjoyed by Nurses and Midwives in Ghana and these are the bedrock of the UPNMG”.
He promised members of three more new mouthwatering policies in the pipeline to be rolled out for their benefit of which he is optimistic that Nurses and Midwives will passionately embrace.
The Regional President advised the participants to work towards the restoration of the credibility, integrity, and public confidence in the nursing and midwifery profession which have been dissipating over the years due to the conduct of some few personnel in pursuit of their parochial interest.
He urged them to strictly adhere to the code of ethics of the noble profession in accordance with the Labour Act 2003 and Labour Regulation 2007.
Finally, he expressed concerns about the exodus of nurses and midwives seeking greener pastures abroad and therefore pleaded with the “President of the country to look into the matter with all the attention it deserves” to avert the looming danger in a situation where there may be shortage of health personnel.
Source: Opemsuo.com/ Kwabena Kyeremateng/Adwoa Serwaa Yonkodo