
Kotoko needs somebody with ‘football brain’ as a CEO, coach Zito admonishes

Club legend and former Head Coach, Abdul Karim Zito, has called on the new Board of Directors of Asante Kotoko SC to appoint someone with appreciable knowledge about football as a Chief Executive Officer.
The newly constituted Board of Directors are expected to form a Management team to steer the day-to-day affairs of the club after Dr. Kwame Kyei dissolved the erstwhile management.
According to the Head Coach of National U-20, Kotoko needs someone with vast knowledge about football to help the club recapture its lost glory.
Speaking on Opemsuo 104.7 FM evening sports show, Pramaso, in an exclusive interview with Opemsuonana Kwaku Ahenkorah, host of the show, former Asante Kotoko Head Coach, Karim Zito said, ” The club needs someone who really understands the football language to help the club reach the highest position, especially on the Africa continent.”

“The story of the club should change through the work of the CEO. Kotoko needs to compete at the highest level than what the club has been doing in recent times.” he concluded.

The Porcupine Warriors are expected to name the new Chief Executive Officer by next week to execute the policies of the Board of Directors. /Sasu Danquah

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