Business & Finance

“Insist on receipt when you pay tax to KMA” – Kumasi traders told


The Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) has urged traders and individuals doing businesses in the Metropolis to demand a receipt from its revenue collectors for any transaction between them and officials from the Assembly.
According to the Head of KMA Revenue Collection, Mr. David Agyei Abam, not all monies the traders have paid to KMA as tax revenue comes to their coffers for many reasons.
“The One cedi and two cedis you are paying to KMA, insist on your receipt from the person who is taking that amount from you.”, he educated the public on Opemsuo FM’s morning show hosted by George Opoku Mensah adding: “that’s very important”!
Mr. David Agyei Abam while answering questions on “Nkwantananso” show regarding how the Assembly is spending revenue collected from the people over the years revealed some staff tasked to work on behalf of the Assembly are not helping KMA to achieve its revenue targets
“Every month, KMA gets twelve million cedis as revenue but the sad aspect of it is that some of the monies do not get to the Assembly. The monies go into individual’s private pockets”, the Chief Revenue Collector bemoaned
Mr. David Agyei Abam who vowed to protect the government’s purse, therefore, urged all and sundry to help fight corruption which has become a canker and the only way in fighting this canker is by residents reporting staff and individuals invading taxes to the Assembly for action to be taken against them.
“This is about Kumasi and Asanteman, we should all try to pay our tax to the government to enable KMA to embark on more developmental projects. Report those who are not paying their taxes for the appropriate action to be taken against them”, Mr. David Agyei Abam appealed.
source: Kwabena Danso-Dapaah/

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