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I Wasn’t Kidnapped- Gyaasehene Reveals

Dr. Nana Adarkwa Bediako III, the Gyaasehene of the Apinto Divisional Council has debunked claims that he was kidnapped, according to the Police.
He is reported to have gone into hidding after receiving threats from an unknown entity.
Nana Adarkwa was declared missing on Wednesday,14th July, 2021 after his car was found parked at the premises of AbiNational savings and loans company with his car key in the ignition and phones in the car.
The news about his disappearance gained nationwide attention after it was alleged that he had been kidnapped.
Following his disappearance, his linguist, Nana Kwabena Kobo II had confirmed to CNR that Nana Gyaasehene received threats from one of his nephews.
“On last week Sunday, I received a call from one Kakra who is the nephew of the Apintohene. He gave me a serious warning that Nana Gyaasehene is worrying him in his workplace and therefore he will eliminate Nana Adarkwa Bediako within five days. If anybody heard that Nana Gyaasehene has passed on, it is he who has done it.”
” I went to the palace to meet with his uncle who is the Apintohene. I called Kakra back for him to repeat what he said earlier and he categorically repeated the same words.”
“We went to the police station on that very Sunday and made a report to the police. On Monday, our statement was taken. “
“Yesterday, I received a call from his driver in the evening and was told that Nana Gyaasehene’s vehicle was left at the AbiNational premises, his two phones were in the car with his car keys in the ignition.
“I went to the police station to report and write a statement”, he narrated.
It was reported on 15th July, 2021 that Dr. Nana Adarkwa had reappeared.
Speaking to the CNR reporter on Friday, 16th July, 2021, the Tarkwa Divisional Police Commander, Chief Superintendent George Andrews Kuma said, “all he (Nana Adarkwa) is saying is that he went into hidding. “
“He told us reports that he had gone missing or had been kidnapped are untrue. He went into hidding because of threats issued against him by a young man he does not know.”
Superintendent George Andrews Kuma indicated that there are a lot of loopholes to be covered.
“We have to question the driver and the linguist for the statements they made and some of the things they did. For instance taking Gyaasehene’s car from the premises where it was left. “
“There are a lot of questions to ask”, he added.
Source: Hajara Fuseini

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