General News

I Don’t Own Holiday Inn Hotel -Nana Bediatuo Asante

Nana Asante Bediatuo, Secretary to the President of Ghana has announced he has not bought Holiday Inn Hotel for his wife as rumours have it.
“It has come to the attention of our client that there are persistent and widely circulating rumours that he has purchased the Holiday Inn Hotel in Airport City, Accra for his wife”, a notice issued by lawyers of Mr. Bediatuo has noted.
It further said that there is no iota of truth in the rumour but only intended to taint the image of their client.
“It is obvious that the deliberate circulation of these rumours are intended to paint our client in a negative light in view of the very senior position he holds in government. “
“We state unequivocally that neither our client nor his wife has purchased or has any interest in Holiday Inn Hotel”, it stated.
He also challenged anyone with doubt to contact the owners of the hotel in question.
Below is a copy of the notice:

Source: Fuseini

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