
Funds Released for Clearance of Locked-up Medicines at Tema Port

The Ministry of Health has confirmed that funds have been received from the Ministry of Finance to clear about 64 containers of pharmaceutical drugs currently sitting at the Tema Port.

“The Ministry of Health is pleased to announce it has received funds for clearance of locked-up Global Fund commodities currently held at the port including TB medication,” a statement released by the Ministry confirmed on June 13, 2024.

It said the full amount for the clearance of the remaining containers from the port has been received by the Ministry with the containers scheduled to be cleared by the end of June 2024.

“The Ministry of Health has now received an amount of GHC7,429,694.39 from the Ministry of Finance for the payment demurrage for the clearance of all Global Fund outstanding containers at the Tema Port. This amount is expected to complement the payment of third-party charges as outlined above.”

Two hundred and eighty-three containers of antiretroviral, tuberculosis (TB), malaria drugs medical devices and more were donated by Global Fund but got locked up over issues of clearance for over a year.

Earlier this year, the Ministry of Health gave assurances of their clearance; however, the issue recaptured public attention recently after it was revealed some of the containers still remain at the port over debt.

The Ministry of Health in its statement on June 13 explained it secured auction chits for the clearance of 219 containers, leaving an outstanding 64 containers without chits.

It said its inability to clear the commodities at the port brought about third-party charges amounting to GHC7,429,694.39.

“Further to the above, a request letter was sent to the Ministry of Finance to assist in the securing of auction chits for the outstanding 64 containers which comprises one TB medication container, the remaining mosquito nets and the outstanding third-party charges.”


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