General News
Only The Thief Received The Blessing Of Jesus; Burglar Writes After Burglary In Church

An unknown burglar has left the Church of Pentecost-English Assembly a note stating that Jesus blessed the “profession” of thieves on the cross.
He was indirectly referencing a thief who was promised paradise while he was hanged together with Jesus on the cross on the day of His crucifixion in Luke 23: 39-43 of the Christian Bible.
The thief left the note for the church after he stole some equipment in the church located in the Western region of Ghana.
“Jesus bless me, in the cross. Only the thief, who Jesus bless in the cross”, a part of the message read.
In another part of the notice, the thief affirmed that he does not hate the church.
In Conclusion, the thief prayed for blessings for the church members.

Source: Fuseini