Eugene Arhin lectures Most Rev. Naameh on public purse protection

The Director of Communication at the Presidency, Eugene Arhin has indicated that, while the Akuffo-Addo-led government is open to critiques of its work, such comments must be well-founded and based on facts.
This was in reaction to the President of the Ghana Catholic Bishops Conference, Most Rev. Philip Naameh’s assertions during the Catholic Annual Bishop Conference that “the express commitment of the president of the Republic to protect the public purse, a promise that citizens welcomed, seems to be an illusion now.”
In the bid to prove the Catholic Bishop wrong in his observations, Mr. Arhin ran through some of the interventions and policies of the Akufo-Addo government indicating that the president’s promise to protect the public purse has indeed been fulfilled and evident as well.
“Indeed if president Akufo-Addo had super-intended over the one-term dissipation of public funds, firstly, the Ghanaian people would not have reposed their confidence in him barely ten months ago by returning a decisive marginal victory for him in the 2020 elections. If indeed the protection of the public purse was a mirage the Akufo Addo government would have found the means to employ hundreds of thousands of teachers and medical professionals who before the coming into office of this administration were sitting at home to lick their thumbs.
He also cited the Nations Builders Corps (NABCO) initiative, the roll-out of the National Identification Card, and added “the Government has also found the resource to undertake the largest construction of road infrastructure literally in Ghana’s history.”
He added that “Ghana under President Akufo-Addo has been adjudged as the best place to do business in West Africa.
“Human memory may be short but it cannot be so short that we’ve forgotten the free food, free electricity, and free water that were provided by the government to the most vulnerable in society during the height of the COVID-19 Pandemic.”
Source: Fuseini