General News

Eid sa’id To All Muslims – Francis Owusu-Akyaw

As Muslims around the globe Celebrate Eid al-Fitr which Commemorates the end of Islamic holy month of Ramadan, I wish all Muslims in Juaben Constituency, Ghana and the world at large a Eid Mubarak.
Ramadan, a period of thirtys day of fasting and prayers by Muslims is one of the five(5) pillars of Islam. It takes place in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar which is observed by Muslims around the world as a month of Fasting, Prayers, Reflection, to be with family and friends.
It is my fervent prayer that, the Almighty Allah accept your Prayers, Sacrifices and Generosity to aid us overcome Covid-19.

I also urge all Muslims and fellow Ghanaians to use face masks and observe all the precautionary measures by the Ghana Health Service, Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization to protect us from being infected with the Covid-19.
Have a joyous Eid al-Fitr Celebrations.
Thank You
Aspiring MP, Juaben Constituency

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