Don’t Allow Yourself To Be Used By Greedy Politicians – Rev

Chairperson of the Asante Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Rev. Samuel Ahima-Yeboah, has cautioned Ghanaians not to allow themselves to be used by some ambitious self-serving politicians to perpetrate violence in the 2024 elections.
Speaking at his induction ceremony on Sunday 29th October 2023 at the Ramseyer Congregation in Adum, he emphasized the need for the youth in particular to resist any form of persuasion into unlawful conducts in the interest of political parties or for the parochial interest of individuals.
“God willing, next year is election year and as we all Ghanaians go to the polls to elect our President and 275 Parliamentarians, I would like us all especially the youth not to be used by some few greedy selfish individuals to achieve their sinister motives.”
With an anticipated rise in stakes, the new Chairperson wants the Ghanaian youth to approach the upcoming general elections with decorum such that it will not thwart the security and peace of the nation as political parties grapple for power.
He is concerned that Ghana, a nation highly recognized as the beacon of democracy in Africa with eight successful elections and administrative transitions, shall rise to the occasion with yet another successful and violent free elections next year.
It is in this regard that he discloses “the Church has formed and inaugurated ‘Peace Clubs’ that will help us preach peace, before, during and after the elections”.
Rev. Samuel Ahimah-Yeboah entreated Ghanaians both young and old try to consolidate the relative peace that we are enjoying because peace is more important than any other thing.
Story by George Addo