
December 7 polls: EC failing Morally and Democratically – PIA


EC Chairperson, Jean Mensah
Public Interest Advocate (PIA), Mr. Frank Aboagye Danyansah has fired a shot at the officials of the constitutional mandated body; Electoral Commission (EC), over plans to compile a new voters’ register despite fierce rejections by some opposition political parties in Ghana in the wake of deadly Coronavirus declared pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO)
According to Mr. Aboagye Danyansah, for the officials of EC to insist there should be a new register at this critical moment of limited time few months to December 7 polls and COVID-19 is clear indication that the Commission is failing in all aspect of it duty.
“Morally how do Ghanaians go and register for a voter ID while there should be a social distancing? And democratically, the EC as constitutional body how can they compile a new register and after ensure a credible polls?”, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Danywise Estate and Construction observed when he spoke on Manhyia-based Opemsuo FM morning show “Nkwantanan” hosted a George Opoku Mensah.
“A constitutional body like EC cannot pass just ROPAL over ten years now how?”, Mr. Frank Aboagye Danyansah quizzed host of the show asking the Commission to re-consider it plans to compile a new register
The Electoral Commission of Ghana (EC) insists that only a new voters’ register can ensure Ghana has a credible 2020 elections.
The EC since last year has justified why they need to compile a new voters’ register for the 2020 general elections.
The EC has said it wants to ensure that the register that is used on the election day is more credible and efficient than the existing one hence the need for a new Biometric Voter Management System (BVMS).
Source: opemsuo.com/FM

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