
Death of KNUST Student & Interdiction: Leave “blameless” Headmistress alone – GES told

Veteran broadcaster with Manhyia-based Opemsuo FM, Wofa Yamoah Frimpong strongly disagrees with the decision of the Ghana Education Service (GES) interdicting the Headmistress of KNUST Senior High School (SHS) over the death of a student.
According to the Journalist, the Headmistress, Mrs. Felicia Asamoah Dankwaa , ordered by GES to step aside while investigations leading to circumstances of the death of the student continues is a wrong decision by GES.
“Leave the Headmistress alone. She is innocent. The Housemasters and Housemistresses are responsible for the day-to-day supervision in the dormatories”, Wofa Yamoah Frimpong fumed when he spoke on the station’s morning show during the Newspaper Review segment.
Details of a statement signed by Head of the Public Relations Unit of the GES, and sighted by disclosed that Felicia Asamoah Dankwaa has been directed to “step aside” for the Ashanti Regional Director of Education to take over the administration of the school.
“I disagree with GES completely. The Housemasters and mistresses should answer every question if any not the Headmistress”, Wofa Yamoah pointed out to host, George Opoku Mensah.
Students of KNUST SHS went on a rampage after one of their colleagues, a final year business student was reportedly left unattended to while he writhed in pain over ulcer complications.
According to some of the students, teachers refused to attend to him over fears he had contracted the deadly Coronavirus.
“He was ill, he wasn’t showing any signs since morning but later in the afternoon around 3 p.m. he started vomiting because he had stomachaches.”
The statement further noted that this was to enable Management of the Ghana Education Service to investigate “circumstances leading to the demise of a final year student on Tuesday, July 7, 2020”.
Source: Kwabena Danso-Dapaah

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