General News

Channel Your Grievances to Presidency; Finance Ministry to NABCO Trainees

The Ministry of Finance has directed the erstwhile Nation Builders Corps (NABCO) beneficiaries to route their grievances relating to the payment of allowances to the Presidency.

According to the Chief Director at the Ministry, Eva Esselba Mends, payment of their nine months arrears will have to be validated and submitted to her outfit by the Jubilee House for onward action.

This is because the programme was run at the Office of the President, she explained.

“We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 5th February, 2024 petitioning this Ministry to pay eight and nine months arrears of the erstwhile NABCO trainees under the then NABCO Program.”

“The Nation Builders Corps (NABCO) was under the Office of the President and therefore any outstanding payments on the programme will have to be validated and submitted to the Ministry of Finance by the Office of the President.”

She therefore advised them to direct their request through the appropriate channel.

“We advise that you route your petition through the Office of the President for onward submission with the requisite supporting documents to the Ministry of Finance.”

Demand for Arrears
The last time the government made payment to the beneficiaries was in December 2022.  Before this, they had explored various means to get the government to clear the debt but to no avail.

In August 2022, they staged a demonstration and a series of media engagements which at the time compelled the government to release one out of the ten-month arrears.

A planned picketing at the Jubilee House by the trainees was hindered by the police for security reasons.

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