AU Suspends 7 ECOSOCC Members

The African Union (AU) has indefinitely suspended seven members of the Economic Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC), General Assembly, for breach of the code of ethics.
The seven include Abozer Elligai Elmana, Sudanese; Abdurrahman Mokhtar, Libyan; Roll Stephane Ngomat, Gabonese; El Hacene Abdallah Bah Mbareck, Mauritanian; Tunji Asaolu, Nigerian; John Oba, Nigerian and Shem Ochuodho, Kenyan.
Their suspension comes after investigations found them guilty of misconduct/infringement of AU legal norms, that is, violation of Rule 8 of the Rules of Procedure of ECOSOCC and provisions of the AU Code of Ethics and Conduct, the AU said.
Mr Abozer Elligai, Mr Roll Ngomat and Mr Abdurrahman Mokhtar have been implicated in the Abuse of authority/office and unlawful signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs) with third parties on behalf of AU ECOSOCC.
Mr Ngomat, Mr Mokhtar, Dr Mbareck, Dr Shem Ochuodho and members of the Group of Eight on the other hand illegally convened the General Assembly and destabilised the ECOSOCC.
Mr Abozer, Mr Ngomat, and Mr Mokhtar were implicated in the misuse of ECOSOCC letterheads, logo, and stamp/seal.
Dr El Hacene Mbareck also illegally appointed Ms Evelyn Joe as an AU ECOSOCC Global African Diaspora Forum on Migration and Development in Washington DC.
Dr Tunji Asaolu was implicated in the Illegal opening of a bank account in the name of ECOSOCC (UBA: AU ECOSOCC PROJECTS, Account No: 1022334209) in Nigeria and the illegal signing of an MOU with DROMI, a Nigerian based NGO and another MOU with the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs of Nigeria, on behalf of ECOSOCC.
The improper behaviour of Dr Sheri Ochuodho as a member of ECOSOCC, which is in violation of Article 8 (1) of the ECOSOCC Rules of Procedure and section 4 (1) and (2) of the AU Code of Ethics and Conduct.
“Based on the findings of the Investigation Report of the Office of Internal Oversight, the above-listed subjects of investigation have been suspended immediately and indefinitely as members of ECOSOCC, in compliance with the Decision of the Executive Council (EX.CL/Dec.1143(XL))”.
By this, the earmarked persons cannot represent ECOSOCC in any capacity nor take part in the activities of the African Union and all its organs/institutions during the period of suspension.
The investigation was conducted pursuant to Executive Council decision EX. CUDec. 1115(XXXVlll) of February 2021, which requested “The Commission to conduct an independent investigation by the relevant Department of the Commission into current and future alleged violations of the African Union Code of Ethics and Conduct by members of the ECOSOCC General Assembly, and to recommend appropriate sanctions through the Bureau of the Chairperson of the Commission”.
Source: Fuseini