Ashanti Regional Police Command Forms Taskforce To Ease Gridlock In Parts Of Kumasi

The Ashanti Regional Police Command says it has formed a taskforce to bring traffic congestion in some parts of Kumasi under control.
“The Ashanti Regional Police Command has noticed with grave concern the heavy vehicular traffic at the Kumasi High School junction, Atonsu –Agogo, Afanco and Dompoase junctions on the main Atonsu Agogo –Bosomtwe Lake road”.
The gridlock, the police said, resulted from wrong parking, use of road shoulders instead of the roads, and transformation of the road shoulders into vehicle terminals by commercial drivers.
This does not only result in gridlock but as well obstructs the steady construction of the road, the police pointed out.
“As part of efforts to ease the traffic congestion along that stretch, the Command has formed a taskforce to ensure that drivers desist from picking passengers and also parking on both the right and left shoulders of the main road”.
The police urged Commercial drivers to rather use the newly created Dompoase bus terminal in discharging their services.
“Vehicles that are found parked along the shoulders of the road especially the stretch at Unity Oil will be towed and taken to the Police Station for their owners to be surcharged before they are handed over to them.”
Source: Fuseini