
Asante Akyem North NPP Primary: Expunged delegates withdraw legal suits

Delegates whose names were unlawfully and fraudulently deleted from the original photo album of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Asante Akyem North Constituency before the parliamentary primary have withdrawn all legal suits from the courts.
In a statement signed by the leaders of the expunged delegates, it said,” We had been educated by our lawyers that an injunction is a discretionary relief so we knew our wish, to maintain the status quo pending the final determination of the case substantive, could be granted or refused. We note that four separate spirited applications to have the main case thrown away never materialized, and we thank our legal team led by Samson Lardy ANYENINI for a good job done”.

It added that, “On Tuesday, 6th October, 2020, our lawyers filed for directions so that the trial of the case can start. We have faith that in the end, the evidence of the fraud which we have submitted to the court by way of the original and tampered photo albums would have become obvious. It is beyond dispute that the names of the undersigned; Kwabena O. FRIMPONG, Festus ENYAN, Joseph ANYANG, Kwaku ODURO, Faustina ASANTE, Adu KONKONI and 139 other plaintiffs were fraudulently removed from the original delegate’s album. This is the reason for the spirited attempts to have the case dismissed instead of it being determined on merit”.
“We also take note of the comment by the court that in the end, it is what the court will say that will hold regardless of the stage of the election process. Nonetheless, we have met as Plaintiffs and deliberated over the case and it’s potential impact on the party when it is determined in our favour. We have decided and are instructing our lawyers to take steps to immediately withdraw both the pending contempt application and the main case”.
“On the four occasions that the four applications against the suit were dismissed or struck out as withdrawn, for obvious reasons and prompting of the court, the court stressed that cost should be waived against the Defendants because “this is a family matter”. Again, settlement of the case out of court has always been spoken about, privately and publicly by party leaders. We therefore, do not wish to proceed any further with the case”, it added.
Below is the full statement

Source: Opemsuo.com

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