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Anwomaso Death: Police Pick Up Mistress of Deceased For Investigation

The death of a 23-year-old house help has raised allegations from her family members and relatives that her mistress could be the suspect.

The deceased, Akua Akyem passed away on Sunday, 25th of September, 2022, and her relatives suspect foul play alleging her mistress could be behind her death.

Mr. Kwarteng Peprah who is the grandfather of the deceased narrated he received a call from her mistress by name Mama Jane after she deposited his granddaughter’s body at the mortuary at Emena Hospital.

He said he received a call from Mama Jane explaining to him that the deceased left home and came back late at 1am she did not notice any irregularities on her.

The family after seeing the body of their beloved at the morgue claim that she was maltreated and had led to her death. She was not attacked outside as her mistress may claim.

The Domeabra Police has picked up the mistress as the Ejisu Divisional Command has taken over investigations.

Source: Karikari

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