General News

A/R: Monwire Community Lacks infrastructure – Nana Kwaku Poku

The Gyasehene of Monwire electoral area in the Afigya Kwabre West District in the Ashanti Region, Nana Kwaku Poku has express worry over the poor infrastructural state of his community.
In an interview on Nkwantananso, Opemsuo radio’s fastest-growing Morning Show on Thursday, August 19, 2021, he stated that the community lacked proper toilet facility, good drinking water and good roads.
According to Nana Kwaku Poku, residents through communal labour constructed their own roads and bridges but the activities of the quarry site have destroyed it.
“There is an Association by workers of the quarry and at the end of every work, an amount of money is paid into a fund called the Quarry Fund. So we went to the District Chief Executive to request some funds from the Quarry Fund for our toilet facility but he said we have no share in the funds. The Government should help us get a percentage from the Quarry Fund,” Nana Kwaku Poku pleaded.
“During the time of Oppong Kyekyeku, National Democratic Congress (NDC) Government built a 3-unit classroom block but NPP recently completed it. Students carry desk to school before they can learn.”
He disclosed that Zoomlion Company recently brought a dustbin which cost 30 cedis, and an addition of 30 cedis will be paid every month for their services
He continued that the community is having lands meant for toilet facilities.
“The previous National Democratic Congress (NDC) Government gave us 6 boreholes but few are in use. The only pipe born water available is not in use,” he added.
Source: Priscilla Fordjour

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