General News

High School Assault Forged- Police

The Ashanti Regional Police Command has denied military assault of students of Kumasi Girls Senior High School.
According to them, “the stories and videos are false, untrue and fabricated.”
The police in a statement called on media houses to retract those publications and footages else risk the chance of facing legal actions.
According to them, the media’s report on the incident is an attempt to bring the name of the Police Service into disrepute.
According to the statement, the headmistress of the school called for the intervention of the police after the students began a demonstration through which they vandalized some school properties.
The statement admitted that some military personnel joined the police on the campus, however not to quell the situation but to ascertain the happenings in the school.
Some students of Kumasi Girls Senior High school were reported to have allegedly been physically assaulted by some military personnel deployed to quell their wrath on 19th July, 2021.
According to the students, a joint force of Police and military stormed their dormitories on the night of 19th July, 2021.
The students said the police however didn’t assault them but the military did.
Interview revealed that some of the students who were assaulted had gone home to seek medical attention.
The students are reported to have massed up against government decision for them to spend their mid-semester break in school rather than home.
In the course, some vandalisms were recorded.
Following the announcement for form 3 students to go home for the mid-semester break, the Ghana Health Service directed Ghana Education Service to make boarding students spend the holidays in the school as a way of containing the spread of COVID-19.
The directive however, was heeded by GES but did not go down well with the students.
Source: Fuseini

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