VIP Adjusts Fares Along With Commercial Drivers

The VIP JEOUN Transport Service has upwardly adjusted transport fares for both its Executive Coaches and the Standard coaches.
This increment takes effect today, Friday, May 20, 2022.
The company cited increases in fuel prices for their price adjustment.
“Effective 05:00 hours GMT, Friday, May 20, 2022, VIP JEOUN Transport announces fare adjustments. The fare increases are due to rising petroleum prices and other transportation operation inputs. The fares are also categorised as LUXURY EXECUTIVE COACHES and STANDARD TOURIST COACHES”, it announced issuing the new prices.
The last time the company adjusted its fare was on February 28, 2022 when the Concerned Drivers Union and the Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU) increased fares by 15%.
Last week, commercial drivers increased fares by 20%.
Below are the new prices of VIP across the country:

Source: Fuseini