Business & Finance

UDS Senior Staff Association Embarks On Strike On Today

The Senior Staff Association branch at the University of Development Studies (UDS) has embarked on indefinite strike action against the Management of the University today, Thursday, May 12, 2022.

In a release signed by the chairman of the SSA chapter of the UDS, Zakaria Mohammed, six grievances necessitating the industrial action were cited.

Among their grievances include the failure of the management of the university to implement recommendations of the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) in relation to qualification requirements for progression and upgrading to Senior Member Grade.

Also, is the “capricious and whimsical application of administrative rules by some heads within the university.

“Unprovoked, unprofessional, intimidations, undesirable frustrations and attritions leading up to series of regrettable, unfortunate, and painful resignations born out of deep-seated psychological trauma and emotions by some member of the Senior Staff cadre with huge institutional memory and experiences.

“Delay in attending to promotion applications corresponding to successful interviewee and withholding of the issuance of promotion appointments of some members of the Senior Staff in an inexplicably bizarre circumstance.

“Failure to apply Notion Date to successful Senior Staff interviewee, as done to Senior Members.

“Lack of coordination and cooperation between management and union leaders coupled with threats against union executives with the highest form of impunity, watering down the mouthpiece inalienable right bequeathed to us by the Labour Act (Act 2003) of the Republic of Ghana.”

Source: Fuseini

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