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Two Weeks At Achimota Were Terrible – Mother Of Rastafarian

Mrs. Maanaa Myers, mother of Oheneba Kwaku Nkrabea, one of the Achimota School Rastafarians, has disclosed how her son suffered at the hand of teachers in the school after their first victory was pronounced by an Accra High Court.
According to Mrs. Myers, plans to enroll his son into a new school came up after school vacated exactly two weeks when the case came to a close.
“On the first day he complained a teacher asked him why his uniform was dirty but when he looked at himself and asked around, no one saw dirt on him. When he got home I called my neighbour to even verify. Another time he met a group of teachers and greeted them and one of the teachers had a problem with that. On another occasion, a teacher complained his short was very short but he has the normal length”, she chronicled.
To her, the teachers were picking on him and making his life unbearable in the school. “We can see that the teachers are picking on him. He had no problem with the students but the tutors were making life difficult for him. He didn’t feel comfortable in the school”, she stated in an interview on Opemsuo radio.
She however indicated that she will press on with the court case despite the fact that her son is no longer in the school.
“We will pursue the case because we weren’t just fighting for our son but other Rastafarians to get the opportunity to enjoy education. We will fight till we get the rights due us just as blacks have been able to fight for their rights”, she indicated.
The Father of Nkrabea, Ras Nkrabea, in an interview with TV3 noted that his son has been enrolled in Ghana International School (GIS).
Meanwhile, Tereo Marhguy, father to Tyron Marhguy, the other Rastafarian, in an interview on Eyewitness News noted that he isn’t surprised at the school’s appeal but suspects the Old Students Association of the school is behind the new take of the school.
Two Rastafarians were denied admission into the Achimota School in March after they were posted to the institution. The school gave the two the condition to get rid of their dreadlocks which they opposed on the basis that it formed part of their religious belief. Following this, the Rastafarians sued the Achimota School for denying them their right to education. The case presided over by Justice Gifty Adjei Addo in an Accra High Court was ruled in their favour.
But appealing the ruling, Achimota School, backed by the Attorney General is of the view that the Judge erred in the first ruling.
Source: Fuseini

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