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Twitter Confirms It Is Testing An Edit Tweet Tool

It’s been one of the most highly-requested features since Twitter launched back in 2006, and now the app has finally confirmed that it is testing an Edit tool.

Twitter has begun internal testing, and will soon expand the test to some users of its Twitter Blue subscription service.

The company revealed early this year that it was working on a tool to allow users to edit tweets after they are posted, which is ‘our most requested feature to date’.

The firm said tweets will be able to be edited ‘a few times’ in a 30-minute window immediately after they are published, and edited tweets will appear with an icon, timestamp and label to make it clear the original post has been modified.

Users will be able to click to see a tweet’s edit history, which will show past versions.

Twitter said labelling tweets and giving access to a post’s history is important because ‘they help protect the integrity of the conversation and create a publicly accessible record of what was said’.

In a blog post, the social media company said the feature would remain in a testing phase, with only a few users, for some time while it analyses how it is used.

Some critics have warned it could be exploited by bad actors seeking to spread disinformation.

‘Like any new feature, we’re intentionally testing Edit Tweet with a smaller group to help us incorporate feedback while identifying and resolving potential issues,’ Twitter said in its blog post.

‘This includes how people might misuse the feature. You can never be too careful.

‘Later this month, we’ll be expanding Edit Tweet access to Twitter Blue subscribers.

‘As part of their subscription, they receive early access to features and help us test them before they come to Twitter.

Source: Daily Mail

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