
This Impunity Must Stop- Bawa Mogtari on Adorye Arrest

Joyce Bawa Mogtari, the personal aide to former President John Dramani Mahama has characterised the arrest of Hopeson Adorye over some disclosures about the 2016 election as impunity on the part of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.


She has called for an end to the impunity that she believes is undermining freedom of expression.

The seceded member of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) is on record to have revealed that his actions influenced the low turnout of voters in the Volta Region- a stronghold of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) during the 2016 election.

According to him, he led some party members to get dynamites and detonate in the region to scare off voters from the polling station, an action he said was more than successful.

These comments led to his arrest and detention on May 22 and his subsequent arraignment in court on May 23 where he was accused of engaging in false publication.

In reaction on her X page, Joyce indicated that the exact opposite of what the Akufo-Addo-led government promised the country in opposition is being implemented and called for a stop.

“Akufo Addo’s Ghana, wow. So we expect that everything under a democracy will be done democratically and in tandem with the tenets of the constitution and that the rights of individuals will be respected.

“We expect even that freedom of speech will prevail, considering the fact that Akufo Addo campaigned on the basis of the rule of law. This impunity must stop!”

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