EducationManhyia Palace

“Think Outside The Box”; Otumfuo To PhD Graduates

The Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II has admonished Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) graduates from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) to be proactive rather than reactive as they step into the world.

Officiating the 56th Congregation Of PhD Graduates, His Royal Majesty stated that the effect of the covid pandemic has put the country in a state where it needs brilliant, hardworking and dedicated young people who are innovative and are not deterred by challenges.

“As graduates from the best university in Ghana, you need to create a niche for yourselves in the professional environment. You should pay critical attention to entrepreneurial skills, you must be proactive and self-motivated individuals with dexterity and the mindset to become leaders.

“You must think outside the box. Most organisations are awash in creative ideas that never get executed. Graduates can capitalise on these opportunities to bring them to fruition. In essence, your entrepreneurial skills will help you function as an entrepreneur”, he advised.

Otumfuo also congratulated the graduates on their feat.

“Let me congratulate you for successfully completing your various programmes of study and for deserving to graduate from the best university in Ghana. You have been trained by some of the best academics in your various disciplines. You are one of several core graduates who are leaving the campus into the world of work at a time of great economic challenges. Go out there and make the desired difference. We are proud of your achievements. Ayekoo”.

The Asantehene who is also the Chancellor of the KNUST was speaking at the 56th Special Congregation for all PhD and some Mphil graduates.

The 2021 Special Congregation of KNUST which started on Thursday, June 9, 2022, in all, graduated four thousand seven hundred and twelve (4,712) students out of which one thousand four hundred and fifty-five (1,455) undergraduates and three thousand two hundred and fifty-seven (3,257) postgraduates.

The climax of the 2021 Special Ceremony on June 11, 2022, which was attended by Otumfuo Osei Tutu II graduated sixty-nine (69) in PhD.

Source: Fuseini

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