General News

The US has lost 500,000 lives to Covid-19

Now Americans face a serious crossroads in the pandemic. A nightmare of this magnitude seemed unfathomable just a year ago. Half a million US lives have been lost to Covid-19. That’s more than the number of Americans killed in World War II.

The victims of this silent enemy were young and old, spanning all backgrounds and corners of the country. President Joe Biden plans to participate in a candlelighting ceremony at 6 p.m. ET to mark the grim milestone.

And the pandemic is far from over. But Americans can steer its course — and help prevent many more families from suffering inconsolable grief.

Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, earlier Monday touted encouraging numbers in declining new cases, deaths, and hospital admissions, but also offered a note of caution.

The seven-day average of deaths reported each day is at its the lowest since the beginning of December.

“This seven-day average is counterbalanced by the stark reality that this week, we will surpass one half million Covid-19 deaths in the United States, a truly tragic reminder of the enormity of this pandemic, and the loss it has afflicted on our personal lives and our communities,” Walensky said. “While the pandemic is heading in the right direction there is still much work to do.”


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