Second Batch Of River Guards Begin Training

The second batch of river guards has begun training at the Eastern Naval Command in Tema.
This batch is made up of 100 persons from across the country.
They will be subjected to a month of training after which they will provide security to the various river bodies in the country as a means of clamping down on illegal mining.
They will receive skills in speedboat operation, and swimming, among others.
The first set of river guards was commissioned by the Deputy Ministry for Lands and Natural Resources on October 25 after they enrolled in September.
The ceremony took place at the premises of the Eastern Naval Command.
“This forms part of the Government’s initiatives to permanently position security personnel along the banks of rivers to patrol and protect various water bodies”, the Deputy Minister said during the ceremony.
The last batch of the river guards will be enrolled after the current batch ends its training in December.
The operation of river guards is necessary in the fight against illegal mining which is destroying the country’s water bodies.
Samples of water from some of the river bodies in Ghana fetched by JoyNews showed massive pollution of the country’s waters.
River Tano, Nwui, Offin, Bonsa, Bia, Ankobra, Amoya, Afu Afu and Totoa streams have changed colours according to the samples fetched by JoyNews.
Source: Fuseini