Broadcasters Chide “Regular Twitter Bully” For Irresponsible Comment On Nathan Quao’s Wife

Yesterday was a day of fulfilment for a popular broadcaster, Nathan Quao as he tied the knot with Georgina Maame Adjoa, the woman he had promised two years ago to make his life partner.
“Two years ago, I said I would make @Maame__Adjoa Mrs Quao. Well, that happened today. To God be the glory”, Nathan posted on Twitter.
It was all about joy for the newly wedded couple as his followers and colleagues in the media fraternity handed out their congratulatory messages below the comment section.
Then a popular cyberbully, Albert Nat Hyde, who was disgraced and humiliated some time ago by popular broadcasters: Nana Aba Anamoah, Serwaa Amihere, and Bridget Otoo for advertising falsehoods about them and other celebrities, dropped his comment too, but as usual, an irresponsible one, incensing everyone.
His comment read: “Well congrats. Opinion: But I feel she looks way older and somewhat too big for your size”.

Albert Nat Hay who claims to be a “Journalist, Google-certified Digital Marketer, PR, Intelligent Critic, Opinionated, and Pundit” and describes himself as a “blogger, critic, opinionated and mind speaker” has earned insults from all sections for his “stupid” comment.
Broadcasters also have descended heavily on the indiscreet Twitter account holder with 26,900 Followers condemning cyberbullying and wondered by his guts.
Media personality Jessica Saforo tweeted: Cyberbullying is NEVER ok. Today, it may amuse you because it’s someone else. Tomorrow, it may be your turn. If you have half a brain, you will not encourage it. #StopCyberBullying”.
Television and Radio host, Giovani Calebs added his voice with the tweet: “To think we started as trolls. Ei Young and restless – Be opinionated but chale know your limit. Don’t go for a man’s wife. Never! “.
Anita Ekua Akuffo, a radio and television personality tweeted, “Is it that hard to scroll when you see a post and have nothing sensible to say? I don’t get it.”
Broadcaster Michael Oti Adjei “Once again, you lot making stupid people famous. Anyone, whatever the reason, who feels the need to have an opinion about the size of another man’s wife and pass judgement basically lacks common sense and self-respect. Stop tolerating that crass stupidity.”
Albert, who from his earlier tweet seems to be a misogamist, tried to justify his irresponsible comment saying, “I didn’t attack anyone. I just shared my candid opinion/observation without malice or disrespect. It wasn’t with ill-intent and I didn’t denigrate the people in the photo. Actually, I congratulated him and wished them well. It was and remains my harmless opinion.”
Source: Fuseini