Sammy Gyamfi: We Are Fighting For The Vulnerable

The National Communications Officer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Sammy Gyamfi has said the entrenched stance his party has taken on the Electronic Transactions Levy (E-levy) is in the interest of the voiceless and the vulnerable.
He was speaking to a memo from the NDC circulating on social media which charged its MPs to frustrate the government’s effort at passing the E-levy in order to take the country back to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and thereby securing the 2024 election for them.

Speaking on GTV Breakfast Show, Sammy Gyamfi said, “We are fighting for the voiceless. Not everybody can go to the August House of Parliament to express their revulsion against this obnoxious tax. It’s our responsibility as the people-centred social-democratic political party to fight for the vulnerable and the ordinary man on the street”.
According to him the passage of the E-levy is no threat at all to their coming into power in the year 2025.
“We care for the Ordinary Ghanaian”, he said.
He stated that “that could not threaten our chances of re-election. We’ve allowed them to borrow more than a 230billion. We allowed that they could not build roads, they could not create jobs, they could not do anything meaningful for the benefit of Ghanaians with borrowed funds of more than 230billion. They’ve had tax revenue of more than a 200billion in the last five years, they could not transform Ghana and they are saying 6.9 billion can threaten our chances in 2024. How much is 6.9billion as compared to the tax revenue of 200 billion or the borrowed funds of 230 billion all of which they have wasted on consumption profligacy and corruption.”
“Taxes are good but the taxes must be progressive”, the NDC communicator said proposing that the government should rather review the tax exemptions to multinationals and “let us cut our coat according to our size to reduce the wastage”.
Source: Fuseini