Reports Extortions By Our Officers- FDA

The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) has urged the public to report all cases of extortion by their officers to a designated contact number.
In a press statement, the Authority schooled the public about their payment platforms noting that all payments must be conducted through it.
“No cash payments should be made to FDA Field Officers. All payments should be made to the FDA official digital payment platforms (mobile money,”
It added, “The public is encouraged to report any issues of extortion and misconduct to the FDA on 0551112224.”
According to the FDA, it does not make use of intermediaries in rendering service and thus urges the public to utilize its website or offices across the country.
“The public should note that in any dealings with the FDA, you do not need the services of a middleman or any such intermediary (including staff of the FDA).
“Any person in need of our services should visit the website ( or walk into any of the FDA Client Services in all its offices nationwide for enquiries and the processing of all requests.”
For those who choose to use the offices of the FDA, it is advised they watch out for the name tags and identification of staff members they deal with.
“Each staff member has an identification card which must be readily available for inspection anytime you are dealing with personnel of the Authority.”