General News

Police To Clamp Down On Overloading

The Ghana Police Service has announced a clamp down initiative on trucks that engage in overloading.

The initiative dubbed Police Anti-Insecure Loading Enforcement Strategy (PAILES) is aimed at ensuring that cargos carting trucks do not take goods beyond their legally permitted limits.

The police observe that overloading trucks is one major cause of accidents in the country and has therefore lauched the initiative ahead of the Christmas festivities.

According to the police, a similar initiative has been successfully piloted in the Eastern region for the past three months leading to the arrest and successful prosecution of over 50 insecurely loaded trucks.

“As part of the implementation of the strategy, the Police are engaging relevant stakeholders such as the cargo association, charcoal and timber drivers unions across the country to educate and caution them on the dangers associated with insecure loading and the need to adhere to the required legal loading limits.

“We would like to take this opportunity to urge the public to support us in our efforts to ensure strict compliance with the Anti-Insecure Loading Enforcement Strategy to make our roads safe and secure during this Christmas season and beyond”, a statement from the police said.


Source: Fuseini

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