Pay Your Bills Or Get Disconnected – NEDCO

The Northern Electricity Distribution Company (NEDCo) has urged customers with arrears to settle their debts promptly to avoid disconnection from the national grid, potential embarrassment, and the additional cost of reconnection fees.
The company, which supplies electricity to the northern parts of Oti, Ashanti, and Western North regions, stated that the objective is to recover outstanding debts from customers as part of the fourth phase of their revenue mobilization drive.
The operation will affect State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) as well as Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs).
“Customers in arrears are entreated to pay their bills immediately to avoid disconnection, embarrassment and payment of reconnection fees.
“Customers who signed payment agreements with NEDCo under Phases 1-3 of the exercise including those who did before or after then should ensure that all instalments that have fallen due are settled by February 23, 2024,” a part of its statement said.
It plans to embark on the disconnection on February 26.
Meanwhile, it has directed customers with billing issues to visit the company’s customer service centres with adequate evidence for redress.
“NEDCo urges all to cooperate for this exercise to be successful, bearing in mind that we can only serve you well when you pay your bill!” it added.