
Obuasi MP Removed From Finance Committee

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Obuasi West, Hon Kwaku Kwarteng has been removed from Finance Committee to the Economy Committee, which is part of the new committees set up by the new standing orders of Parliament.

Speaking on the floor of Parliament, the Majority Leader and leader of government business, Hon Afenyo Markin, said the Majority side now has a spokesperson on the committee but the Minority side has none.

“We the majority have a new spokesperson on the Economy Committee, you have none. Hon Kwaku Kwarteng is going to be our spokesperson on the economy. The new Economy Committee is going to be an important Committee of this House,” he stated.

Currently, Hon. Kwarteng is the former Chairman of the Finance Committee, who has allegedly been accused of fighting against or rejecting tax waivers for some companies under the One District One Factory (1D1F) programme, amounting to $335 million.

Story by Nana Kwaku Boffah

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