Lady Julia: We Couldn’t Have Chosen A Better Theme For 2022 Kidney Day Celebration

“Kidney Health for All”, is the theme for this year’s World Kidney Day Celebration forged by the World Kidney Day Joint Steering Committee, however, the Ghana Kidney Association (GKA) has chosen to add, “Bridging The Knowledge Gap To Better Kidney Health”.
This is an ideal and the best theme that could ever be coined for the celebration of Kidney Day, a day that creates awareness of a disease that is disregarded by the public, according to Lady Julia Osei Tutu, wife of Otumfuo Osei Tutu II.
She noted in her speech that “Our current record shows that Kidney disease in Ghana has not yet received the necessary attention with the cases rising yearly and is soon projected to be one of the leading causes of death in our country. We could not have chosen a better theme for this year’s celebration. “Kidney Health for all, bridging the knowledge gap to better kidney health”.
She said the theme will address the ignorance surrounding Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).
“It is the most appropriate theme to address various problems in our cases with kidney healthcare including the lack of education and awareness in prevention and treatment of the disease. Truly, there is a knowledge gap that is standing”, she said.
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has been found to be common and harmful to the degree that 1 out of 10 adult people worldwide have it, and if left untreated, can be deadly.
Kidney disease-related mortality continues to increase yearly and is projected to be the 5th leading cause of death by 2040. Quite unfortunately, persistent and ongoing CKD knowledge gap exists, one that is demonstrable at all levels of healthcare.
Commending the GKA and its stakeholders for their efforts, Lady Julia called on stakeholders to “encourage the general public to adopt healthy lifestyles to combat hypertension, diabetes and thus, Chronic Kidney Disease including eating healthy diet, regular exercise, controlling blood pressure, stopping smoking, and regular visits to the doctor.”
Source: Fuseini