General News

Krofrom Police Station Has Been Confiscated-KMA Presiding Member Confirms

The Presiding Member for Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly and the Assembly Member for Krofrom CPC Electoral Area Hon. Patrick Kwame Frimpong has announced that the police station in his area has been abducted by the owner of the house.

According to Hon. Frimpong, the house was converted into a police station for over 30 years now by the government, without the approval of the owner of the house.

The owner of the house took the issue to the court seven years ago with the main motive of confiscating his house.

A verdict was given three years ago and the owner of the house won the case. The court brought a letter three months ago reminding us to vacate the house.

We have no option but to evacuate the house to the owner.

Hon. Frimpong advised all residents at Krofrom to channel all their complaints to the Tafo police station.

Substantiating what Hon Frimpong said, the residents at Krofrom argued with the owner of the house to extend the vacating period, and also they announced that the armed robbery rate has increased after the owner confiscated his house.

Source: Wendy Amakye

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