General News

Jane Mensah Cannot Rig Elections, Member of Council State Assures Ghanaians

Member of Council of State, Nana Owusu Achiaw, has assured Ghanaians that 2020 General elections will be free, transparent and fair in spite of varied views about the Electoral Commission Chairperson.

Millions of Ghanaians will go to the polls again on December 7, 2020, following the expiration of the mandatory four years of His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo-Addo as the President of Ghana in the most sacred of all democracy’s rituals, to elect a new leader.

This is the first in the history of Ghana whereby a former President is contesting a sitting President. Interest will definitely be heightened in such an atmosphere clouded with ‘ do or die’ disposition from the two main political parties, NPP and NDC.

The Electoral Commission Chairperson, Jean Mensah certainly will be at the zenith stage of criticism.

The opposition National Democratic Congress has started exerting intense pressure on the EC Chairperson about the voters registration and exhibition claiming the EC has intention to favour the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP).

Though there has not been any empirical evidence backing the claims of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) about EC’s resolve to rig the elections in favour of the New Patriotic Party, Agona Akrofosohene has come out in defence of the EC Chairperson-saying she cannot rig this year’s election.

In an exclusive interview with George Opoku Mensah (Agudey) on Opemsuo 104.7 FM morning show, Nkwantannanso, Nana Owusu Achiaw disclosed that, “It is untrue that Jean Mensah has intentions to rig 2020 General Elections for the New Patriotic Party (NPP). It is impossible in this quintessential era to rig an election.”

The Ashanti Regional Council of State Representative added that the brave female EC Chairperson is indefatigably working to ensure transparency in our elections.
“We have met EC Chairperson Jean Mensah and through the deliberations, we deduced that she’s assiduously working to ensure nothing but transparent, free and fair elections.”

“Ghanaians should be rest assured that this year’s election will end without any issue to lead us into catastrophic mayhem,” he concluded.

Source: / Sasu Danquah.

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