
I’ve Sacrificed my Soul for Bawumia- “Assaulted” Student

Nana Boakye, a student of the Christian Service University College (CSUC) and a member of Tertiary Students Confederacy (TESCON), the student wing of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), says his life is no longer his as he has given it up for the success of the Presidential aspirations of Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, the candidate of the ruling party.

The student who was allegedly abused by some bodyguards of the 2024 flagbearer of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Dramani Mahama on campus, showed no sign of remorse for his action that called for the unjustifiable “abuse” on Wednesday, June 19, 2024.

According to him, he will not stay aloof to witness their flagbearer being slandered as his soul has been offered up as a sacrifice for him.

“Some of us won’t stay quiet when you say anything against Dr Bawumia, the flagbearer of the NPP because we have given our souls up as a sacrifice for Dr Mahamudu Bawumia and the NPP. We are willing to work hard for him to retain the NPP in power.”


The victim is reported to have been physically assaulted by the bodyguards of the former President after he shouted, “You are a liar, You will lose the 2024 elections”, while Mr Mahama was on the microphone addressing the congregation.

Reports say he found himself in deep trouble as he got whisked into a room where he could be heard shouting for help, apparently while being “beaten”.

Recounting the incident to the media, the young politician and student of the CSUC said, “As part of our 50th Anniversary, we had the opportunity to invite former President H.E John Dramani Mahama to deliver a lecture. In the course of his speech, he said Ghana is not a concert party for it to be handed to a comedian. When he made the comment, the NDC members around were happy and applauded. I then retorted, ‘You are a liar and you will lose the election’. Right there, a guy perceived to be an NDC sympathizer went to call in a built man who slapped me inside the auditorium while Mr Mahama was still on his speech.”

He said he got a wind of motives for his assault and unsuccessfully tried taking cover.

Reacting to the development, the youth wing of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) that identifies with the victim said the conduct is “most barbaric and uncivilized”.

“We are not just shocked by the news but the audacity to assault students on their own campus. This is most barbaric and uncivilised. As reported, the only crime of the students was that they shouted ‘Mahama b3 w3’. This harmless statement caused the bodyguards to rush to the students in rambo-style and beat them in the presence of John Mahama and members of the convocation without any reprimand.”

“The NPP youth wing is absolutely disgusted by this recklessly irresponsible act of thuggery and hooliganism by John Mahama’s security team. This is reprehensible. We are waiting to see if John Mahama has any respect for the students of Ghana and the youth in general by his action or inaction,” a statement it released said.

They are demanding an unqualified apology from the former president and his assistance in arresting the perpetrators.

“We also demand that John Mahama gives out these thugs for the law to deal with them. Otherwise, we will advise students to always go to NDC events also well prepared for eventualities, or boycott John Mahama and his NDC entirely as they portend nothing but an imminent threat and danger to them.”

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