I See My Shop Shut Up In Dreams- Angry Demonstrator Recounts

Some shop owners at the Kejetia market today massed up to protest against what they describe as unfair treatment at the hand of authorities in charge of the market.
Recounting to opemsuo radio’s Teacher Kofi, the aggrieved traders noted that the authorities only show commitment in issues that accumulate funds to them.
“The ordeals we have been subjected to till now are unbearable. The authorities only show concern in what will put money into their pockets. We asked for staircase but they haven’t reacted to it in any positive way. They always bring in huge sums of light bills. Shops of those who fail to pay the bill are locked up. Whenever I dream, I see my shop locked up.
“I’m unable to sleep well, I’m always thinking about how to pay my bills. People come to us for loans thinking that we are amassing wealth here. They have given us up until August to close down our shops if we forfeit payment of the bill. Many people do not know there are shops here, where we have been placed”, a demonstrator said.
Others called on stakeholders to engage authorities in charge of the Kejetia market.
“There is no place here for people to access our shops. We are pleading with government officials, Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly Boss and the Ashanti Regional Minister to sit down with the authorities here so that they construct a staircase for us. Experts have come here to verify and they have given the approval for a staircase”, another demonstrator noted.
Source: opemsuo.com/Hajara Fuseini