Ghana Ranks Police, Jubilee House, MPs As Most Corrupt

Ghana has ranked the police, officials at the Jubilee House and Members of Parliament (MP) as the first three corrupt persons in the country.
This is according to an Afrobarometer survey by Ghana Centre for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana).
According to the report, 65%, 55% and 54% of Ghanaians respectively see most or all of the people in the Police service, people at the Office of the Presidency, and Members of Parliament as corrupt.
Corruption perception in the public about the three has increased per the survey.
For example in 2019, 57% of Ghanaians thought the police were corrupt. Similarly, corruption in the Office of the president has increased from 33% in 2019 and MPs from 34% in the same year.
Judges and magistrates, Tax officials, Electoral Commission, Civil servants, MMDCEs, Business executives, Assembly men and women, Traditional leaders, Religious leaders, Public media, Private media, and Non-governmental organisations were all featured in that order with 46%, 46%, 45%, 45%, 41%, 38%, 34%, 31%, 27%, 27%, 27, 22% of Ghanaians believing most or all of them are respectively corrupt.

Corruption among Judges and magistrates and tax officials also saw an increase compared to figures from 2019.
In 2019, corruption among the justice supervisors was 35% and among tax officers were 40%.

In all, the survey said corruption in Ghana has increased drastically from 53% in 2019 to 77% in 2022.
Finally, 85% of Ghanaians believe the government’s fight against corruption is very or fairly bad.

Source: Fuseini