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Ghana Football Coaches Association Cries Over GFA Neglect

Ghana Football Coaches Association (GFCA) General Secretary, John Kwame Quayson (Esq), has utterly squeezed out his displeasure towards neglect from the Ghana FA amidst the novel COVID-19 period.

According to the group made up of par excellence technical nous of the game, the Ghana Football Association(GFA) leadership is yet to engage them in this momentary afflictions of COVID-19 to find out their struggles ever since football was jeopardized by the fatal virus.

The Kurt E. S. Okraku’s led administration has received plaudits from all and sundry following their swift brilliant move to land on mind-blowing deal with Youth Employment Agency (YEA) for Women’s football that will see Women’s Premier League players being paid monthly allowances for a period of Six months.

The Ghana FA led by Kurt Okraku, met with the leadership of the Ministry of Youth and Sports on Wednesday, July 8, to sign the MoU to kick start the program projected to cost a little over Ghc 1.5 million.

Nonetheless, the Ghanaian Football Coaches Association who play a pivotal role in football is yet to hear from the GFA about their plans for such a group with so much influence on the game.

Speaking about the horrifying situation of the Coaches on Opemsuo 104.7 FM evening sports show, Pramaso, astute legal practitioner, John Kwame Quayson, expressed that, The GFA doesn’t respect Ghanaian coaches reasons they have not considered us throughout their dealings in this era of COVID-19.”

“It is simply amazing why a group with so much influence on the game has been overlooked. This tells us how the GFA rate Coaches in Ghana on their preference list”

“Some of us started dealing with the Government to persuade them to sponsor us from 2017, but unfortunately, when the deal matured we have been neglected,” he added.

He continued to reveal that the Coaches Association has never been consulted when it is that the GFA through the Ministry of Youth and Sports wants to employ a coach at any of the National teams.

“Another problem we have with the GFA is that they have never consulted us when employing Coaches at the National teams.
The work of Ghanaian Coaches is in clambers since most of them are at home with contact games like football banned by the Government of Ghana.

Source: Sasu Danquah.

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