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GBA Endorses Chief Justice’s Directive To Call Cases Of Lawyers In Order Of Seniority

The Ghana Bar Association has thrown its support behind the instruction of the Chief Justice, Kwasi Anin Yeboah, in having cases of senior lawyers called first.

The Chief Justice in a circular directed Trial Court Judges to strictly adhere to the age-old tradition and resort to inviting applications from Seniors first.

Kwasi Anin noted that the practice will “afford the young Lawyer the opportunity to learn from Seniors to whom they would not ordinarily be exposed to; thus, enriching the whole legal training experience beyond what is taught in Chambers and other places of work”.

Reacting to it the GBA stated that it associates with the directive.

It echoed that the practice will present a unique and special opportunity for lawyers, particularly those who are young at the Bar.

It projects that it will also inure to the benefits people who hire the services of young lawyers since they will have the wealth of experience required in dealing with court cases.

It also noted that the directive is also a decision of the General Legal Council.

“The GBA implores all lawyers to who practice in the courts of Ghana to fully cooperate with trial judges in upholding this age-old tradition and practice”.

Source: Fuseini

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