General News

Eid Gunshot Victim Spends Night With The Police

Mohammed Mustapha, one of the victims who sustained gunshot injuries from a stray bullet during the Eid-Ul-Adha celebration spent Tuesday night at the Asawase police station.
Hajia Abiba, mother of the victim, told the media that her son was taken away by the police right after the bullet was surgically removed.
According to her, the police said preliminary investigations showed that Mustapha was one of the shooters who were jubilating with guns after the Eid prayer at Aboabo No. 2.
“After the bullet had been removed the police sought permission from the doctor and escorted my son to the police station”, she said.
“The police told us that their investigations pointed to my son as the shooter but my son denied it. We were asked to go to the police station to give our statement. Earlier, the police said my son could be granted bail but later at the police station, they told us to go home because a bail wasn’t possible at that time”, she told Opemsuo Radio’s Adwoa Serwaa.
Emphasizing the innocence of her son, she said her son was at the bus stop after the Eid prayers when the bullet was fired at him.
Meanwhile mother of the 16 year-old-deceased has disclosed that the family were no longer interested in the case explaining that “we have left the incident in the hands of God”.
Two persons were shot at Aboabo No. 2 during the Eid-Ul-Adha celebration on Tuesday 20th July, 2021.

The incident is said to have happened right after the Eid prayers as some Muslim youths gathered to jubilate firing shots.
The victims were rushed to the Manhyia Government Hospital where one was confirmed dead.
Source: Fuseini

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