ECG, GRIDCo Cites Limited Gas Supply for Recent Outages

The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) and the Ghana Grid Company Limited (GRIDCo), have cited a limited gas supply from the Ghana National Gas Limited Company (GNGC) Gas Processing Plant (GPP) at Atuabo for the disruption in power supply in parts of the country.
This shortage in supply, they said was caused by a challenge at the processing plant.
“The Ghana Grid Company LTD. (GRIDCo) and the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) wish to inform the public that due to a challenge at the Ghana National Gas Limited Company (GNGC) Gas Processing Plant (GPP) at Atuabo, gas supply for power generation has been limited which has caused some customers to experience intermittent interruption in power supply,” GRIDCo’s Manager for Corporate Communications, Dzifa Bampoh and the ECG’s Director of Communications, William Boateng noted.
They apologized and assured that the issue would soon be addressed.
“Engineers from GNGC are currently working to address the issue and restore full supply of gas. GRIDCo and ECG will continue to monitor the situation which is expected to normalise once the issue at the plant is addressed.”
This comes after the Minority in Parliament’s spokesperson on Energy, John Jinapor alleged the recent disruptions are due to debts owed gas suppliers for the last nine months and Independent Power Producers (IPPs).
“As we speak today, there is load shedding ongoing. GRIDCo has been cautioned not to inform the customers. Yesterday {September 24}, there was a deficit of more than 500 megawatts. Today {September 25}, they are going to shed load and customers in Ghana would be affected”.
Source: Fuseini