
Declare your Stand on Free SHS Bill – Majority to Minority

The Majority caucus is seeking clarification from Minority leadership to state their position on the Free Senior High School (SHS) bill, which is yet to be laid before Parliament by the Minister for Education.

Speaking to journalists in Parliament, the Majority Leader, Hon. Afenyo-Markin, said the ranking member on the Parliamentary Select Committee on Education, Hon. Peter Nortsu-Kotoe, is strongly opposed to the Free SHS Bill, so it is better the minority leadership makes their stance known to the people of Ghana if they are against the bill.

“Clearly the NDC minority does not want to commit itself to Free SHS and the fact that we want to enact a law to make it mandatory. We have stated time without number that those provisions in the constitution that talk about free SHS are very aspirational provisions so the way to go is to enact a law to regulate the Free SHS policy which is currently in operational.” he stated

According to him, per parliamentary practice, the caucuses speak through their ranking members.

“The bill has received the executive’s approval and the Minister of Education is to ferry the bill through to Parliament. We are ready and that is why as part of the engagement process, we engaged them but they are adamant, the NDC is not ready for the Free SHS Bill. It is clear.” he emphasised.

Story by Nana Kwaku Boffah.

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