General News

CLOSSAG Calls Off Strike; Resumes Work Today

The Civil and Local Government Staff Association of Ghana (CLOGSAG) has been on strike since Thursday, April 21, 2022, demanding, among other things, the immediate payment of their neutrality allowance.

Giving an update on the almost a week old strike, Mr. Jerry Nyarko, the Ashanti Regional Treasurer for CLOSSAG said, the Association has called off the strike and that they are resuming work today May 16, 2022.

He explained that, the calling off of the strike has become needful after meeting with the government and has accepted to observe the necessary requirement. He explained that the neutrality allowance was only a minute part of broader conditions of service the Association was demanding from the government.

He added that, the constitution ushers Civil Servants not to engage in politics even to the extent of not holding local level positions on the ticket of politics, as such, they are entitled to such allowances.

Source: Effah Mensah William

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